Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013 From The Grand Cayman

Happy 2013 everyone. Wishing you all a happy, healthy and exciting New Year filled with new resolutions, new goals and lots of new memories arising. My New Year was celebrated in the Grand Cayman Islands under the hot sun, with a crispy tan and a hell of a sunburn. I still haven't learned to apply sunblock on the first day of my vacation resulting in sunburn for two days. Anyhow, I am very happy to be out of NY and on an island to get away from the hustle of things and too free my mind from any angry, negativity and stress. What a perfect way to begin 2013 I may add but all in all I hope 2013 brings you all tons of luck, joy, and new beginnings. We all need these things from time to time but don't forget who you are and what you believe in. A new year doesn't have to be about changes and goals, it should or could be about just bettering things in your life that you, yourself feel as though you need to change to make yourself and your life just a happier one to live!

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