Ok... I have to admit, I am a little too extremely overwhelmed and happy at this very moment considering my new purchase just arrived! This is a very happy and sad moment for me. Happy because I just got a brand new car but sad because I very much miss my old beauty. Unfortunately, I had lost my Nissan 350Z due to hurricane Sandy (as you can see in the photos of my neighborhood still ripping out the inside of there homes with the wood on the street) and I was devastated finding out that it was totaled and I wouldn't be having it anymore and it was being taken to the pound. That was my first car I had got when I first got my license and had it ever since then. Sadly it was damaged and I had to just let it go, if you know how it is to loose something that is meaningful to you, then you know how I feel... even though it is just a car I have a big heart for things I own. (mushy, I know)
So, the story behind this is that clearly, I needed a new car and I really had no idea what to get. I wanted something different, new and something that no one really heard of or has. Of course thats not possible but in my mind it is. So my parents went along with me to Toyota to take a look (they are toyota fans) and came across this sexy piece of machinery. Never heard or knew of Scion, and as soon as my parents and I saw this in the show room, our eyes caught each others and we didn't have to speak a word. Next minute later I was out test driving it and then ten minutes after that we were ordering the Scion FR-S in Pearl, signed some papers and just had to be patient for a few days to receive it and TODAY WAS THE DAY!
Extremely grateful and happy with my new purchase and very blessed to be moving on and starting a new journey with my new car. Of course I had to dress for the occasion, I wore 7 For All Mankind jeans, with a GAP knitted sweater. I slipped on my Steven (steve madden/ old) boots and my new Joe Fresh blue and ivory polka dot hat and some gold chainzzzz, smiled and drove my new car for the rest of the day.
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